Friday, July 11, 2014


I always find that hosting a dinner party is a new outlet to experiment. Educated in the south, where they take great pride in their themed dinner parties, table settings, and menus, I picked up a few habits. I enjoy the little things when hosting much more enjoyable. Fore example, place cards, trying a new appetizer, or a signature cocktail. Although definitely fun muddling strawberries for a strawberry and cucumber cocktail, I find the summertime is perfect for infusing water with different fruit and flavors. Since I drink more water than alcohol, it comes natural to look into my freezer and find trays of ice cubes with different fruits frozen in. I remember the first time I tried iced water with slices of cucumber in Washington D.C. at a party. It became my drink of choice that summer. As the years have passed, I became friends with the owners of an organic soda company (Cannonborough Beverage Co) all mixologists at the top bars and restaurants in Charleston, they taught me what marries well. Strawberry jalapeƱo, lemon mint, ginger beer, honey basil, etc. I love mixing up the basics to make amazing results.

What's your favorite infusions? 

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