1. This is nothing like my masters.
2. My vocabulary has significantly improved in science jargon.
3. When you are with other PhD students, all you will talk about is research.
4. What is sleep?
5. I need to write. All the time. Publications don't write themselves.
6. My education loans from undergrad and masters are kicking my ass in interest rates.
7. Two words: Imposter Syndrome.
8. Conferences make everything worth it. Especially if they are in a cool location.
9. I love reading. I HATE reading journal articles- especially if they are 25+ pages.
10. This is a team effort. Reading other people's manuscripts and revising is the new norm.
11. You can't do this without the support of friends and family. Serious support system.
12. I started running. I run, because it's cheaper than therapy.
13. You have to make an effort to have a social life.
14. Your brain will feel like mush- a lot.
15. Just when you think you can't handle anymore, you can.
16. I need to schedule my comps!! Like ASAP. If I can ever get my committee in the same room.
17. I can set up an experiment: aquariums, fish, chemical solutions like nobody's business.
18. Pulling together a presentation in less than a week happens more than you think.
19. I love lab and field work. Writing, not so much.
20. Drinking rarely happens. (Most grad students would disagree)
21. Time management is like playing tetris with your schedule.
22. You recognize scientists by name from their papers and research. And think you know them.
23. My boyfriend is amazingly supportive of his stressed out, nerdy girlfriend.
24. I get asked the questions below almost every time someone learns that I am a PhD student.

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