So what's Frugal February,
and why February? The idea behind Frugal February is to try to adopt as many
money saving ideas as you can during this month, such as spend-free days, not
eating out, etc., and live as cheaply as possible. Try to eliminate all non-essential
spending and only spend money on necessities. Why February? Mainly because it's
the shortest month and that gives you the best chance of success. Most salary
earners get paid the same amount of money each month, irrespective of the
number of days actually worked. Of course, you can do this at any stage of the
year, but your chances of maximizing your pay are greater in February due to
the three fewer days. Also, 'Frugal February' sounds a lot funkier than 'Frugal
September'. –
As I kick off Frugal February. I wanted to evaluate my
spending. This past month, I had to pay my car insurance and a few other bills.
It killed me. I am saving up for a car currently and a few other future
purchases. I also will be traveling throughout the year so I prefer to have
some cushion in my bank account. Shopping is my weakness, my Achilles heel.
Rough day, good day, doesn’t matter- I get this crazy urge to hit up the store
whether grocery store, mall, or Target. Amazing how that feeling and rush I get
magically subsides with the swipe of my debit card. But as much as I love
shopping, this month I am keeping a budget for essentials. And although I have
been able to live on as low as $12 a week minus gas of course, I don’t
particularly like to. I tend to let my groceries fluctuate. Right now, I am
stocked for the next week so need for trips to Trader Joes and Lucky’s. We
shall see how frugal February goes. And btw I know V-Day is coming up. I am not
a gushy girl about the 14th of February. So my boyfriend and I will
be hitting up Barnes and Noble and buying each other a few books. Not in my
breakdown, because I’m an adult, and sometimes I do what I want.
Here is a breakdown of what I normally spend:
Gas: $20-$25 per week
Groceries: $20-30 per week
Bar tab: (half off drinks every Thursday night) $5 per week
Rent: $700 a month
If you are embarking on Frugal February, Good luck!
This is going to be a tough few weeks but we've got this!!