I talk too much. If there is a quiet lapse in a conversation, I will fill it. It's been like this all my life, getting me into trouble with my chatty ways. I tend to be very open about my experiences and my life, having no issue sharing. I find myself oversharing too soon in relationships, like word vomit that I can't stop, and knowing that I went too far, too soon. I know my boyfriend reads my blog, and I know he is probably nodding reading this post. When I first met him, I was in a rough emotional state. And for some reason, I thought it was a good idea to share
everything. I was emotional slutty. I wanted him to know everything as quickly as possible so that he would leave me then, instead of later. Because not only was I emotional slutty, I was also emotionally damaged, unsure if I was ready for a relationship. Our first time skyping, I didn't wear any makeup (yikes!). I told him about past relationships faster than I should have, but it was more to prewarn him why I was gun-shy. I was completely 100% honest, but all the while knowing that I was sharing way too much way too soon. My mom even prewarned me to not share so much, but I obviously didn't listen. Thank God, Steve has taken it with stride, knowing that I am usually trying to explain why I am, the way I am. If I could go back, I would listen more, hold more in, sharing when the time was right. Don't make my mistake, don't be emotionally slutty.
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